Herb Specifications
Season: Perennial
USDA Zones: 3 - 8
Height: 24 - 36 inches
Bloom Season: Mid summer to early fall
Bloom Color: Yellow
Environment: Full sun to partial shade
Soil Type: Poor, sandy, well-drained soils
Planting Directions
Temperature: 68F
Average Germ Time: 14 - 30 days
Light Required: Yes
Depth: Surface sow seeds
Sowing Rate: 10 - 12 seeds per plant
Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
Plant Spacing: 18 - 24 inches
Common name
Absinthium, absinthe wormwood, common wormwood, green ginger or grand wormwood
Useful information about the plant
Wormwood is originally native to Asia, Europe and North Africa, and now widespread in North and South America. The genus name Artemisia reflects the name of the Greek goddess Artemis, the protectress of mothers in childbirth. The epithet "absinthium" comprises the Greek "apsinthion" (= wormwood). It is unsure, however, whether this term came from the Greek "a" (= no) and "psinthos" (= pleasure), which would be entirely justified, because the leaves are very bitter. It also remains open whether the name "wormwood" is made from "warm" or "worm" as its use as a vermifuge is in the name. The shrub of up to 1m high bears very characteristic 2 - to 3-fold pinnatipartite leaves with very narrow leaflets, densely hairy on both sides with white-silky hairs. The small, globular yellow flower heads are arranged in panicles. Flowering time is July to September. When rubbed, the herb releases a very aromatic scent through the ial oil it contains.
Medicinally used plant parts
The blossoming upper branch tips with their characteristic, very aromatic scent are used.