This popular mix of annual phlox produces lovely clusters of fragrant flowers in shades of pink, red, rose, purple, and white. When planted en masse, the variegated colors are more fully appreciated. This annual is not only easy to grow but also attracts a variety of pollinators to your garden.
The first recorded mention of annual phlox appears in Hortus Elthamensis, a description of a famous experimental garden near London published by botanist Johann Dillenius in 1732. This garden, under the care of renowned English botanist William Sherard, contained several species of wild phlox from America. Since then, gardeners have agreed with horticulturist Karl Foerster that "a garden without a phlox is a mistake." Phlox symbolizes the union of souls or sweet dreams in the language of flowers. In Victorian times, a bouquet of phlox often indicated a timid proposal of marriage. The name "phlox" comes from the Greek word for "flame."
To encourage branching, pinch back the tips of annual phlox as they grow. Mature plants tolerate occasional drought but prefer moist soil and benefit from watering during dry weather. Deadhead the flowers to increase blooming. Cut the plant back after blooming if seeds are not required. This plant often reseeds itself and is highly attractive to bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies, making it an excellent ground cover, border plant, or addition to a rock garden.
For cut annual phlox flowers, select stems with flowers that have just opened. Strip the foliage that will fall below the water level and place in water immediately.
The first recorded mention of annual phlox appears in Hortus Elthamensis, a description of a famous experimental garden near London published by botanist Johann Dillenius in 1732. This garden, under the care of renowned English botanist William Sherard, contained several species of wild phlox from America. Since then, gardeners have agreed with horticulturist Karl Foerster that "a garden without a phlox is a mistake." Phlox symbolizes the union of souls or sweet dreams in the language of flowers. In Victorian times, a bouquet of phlox often indicated a timid proposal of marriage. The name "phlox" comes from the Greek word for "flame."
To encourage branching, pinch back the tips of annual phlox as they grow. Mature plants tolerate occasional drought but prefer moist soil and benefit from watering during dry weather. Deadhead the flowers to increase blooming. Cut the plant back after blooming if seeds are not required. This plant often reseeds itself and is highly attractive to bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies, making it an excellent ground cover, border plant, or addition to a rock garden.
For cut annual phlox flowers, select stems with flowers that have just opened. Strip the foliage that will fall below the water level and place in water immediately.